mercoledì 27 aprile 2016

Monaco Formula 1 Gran Prix:an incredible race in the heart of Principality
By Rino Siconolfi
It was 1911 when the Club Sport Automobile et Vèlocipèdique de Monaco
organized the very first Rally in Montecarlo and with its international spirit the
Principality welcomed competitors from around the globe.In 1925 the society
chhanged name in Automobile Club of Monaco;in 1928 Alexander Noghès and
his son Antony had the ambitious idea of creating a race track that would take
over the streets of the Principality.An exceptional Gran Prix was born:all the rest
is history:260 kilometres,78 laps,over 100000 spectatores;the circuit is through
Monaco streets,from the Boulevard Albert 1er to the Casino de Montecarlo
via the Quai des Etats-Unis and the La Rascasse bend.
The Monaco circuit is the slowest of the Gran Prix tracks,yet also the most
prestigious:al the most important Champions,from Fangio to Senna to Shumacher
won many times this iconic race transforming the Monaco Gran Prix in a legend.
Rino Siconolfi

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